PROJECT CHILD FIND is a free referral service and public awareness campaign designed to assist in the identification of children with a delay or disability from birth through twenty-one years of age. Parents or guardians who have any concerns or questions regarding their children's growth and development should call 1-800-322-8174.
Efforts include assisting families of infants and toddlers, birth through two, who are concerned about the development of their child. Questions about your infant or toddler should be directed to the Special Child Health Case Management Unit at 1-888-653-4463.
Assistance for families of preschoolers three through five is offered through the local school district. If you have concerns about the development of your preschooler , you may contact:
Anna Nardone, Child StudyTeam Supervisor at 201-768-6060 ex. 436
Many of your questions may be answered by accessing the following:
CHAPTER 14: Special Education New Jersey Administrative Code Title 6A Education
Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
“TheFamily Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a Federal law thatprotects the privacy of student education records.
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
“Section504 is a civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities. Section 504 ensures that the child with a disability has equal access to an education. The child may receive accommodations and modifications (Wrightlaw).”
Common Core State Standards
Similar to many other states, the New Jersey State Department of Education adopted the Common Core State Standards. In an effort to provide similar content to children across the United States, these standards were developed under the authority of the governors and chief educational officers (Commissioners) of participating states. They define the information and concepts students should know and be able to apply in each of the grades. Specific to the State of New Jersey, Core Curriculum Content Standards define what students should know and be able to do in Health and Physical Education, Science, Social Studies, Visual and Performing Arts, Technology, World Language, and 21st Century Life and Careers. These rigorous standards provide clear benchmarks for student achievement in each of the academic content areas. They are the basis for the new testing program, PARCC, which is anticipated to be implemented during the 2014-2015 school year.